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Lucie Laurier: Things To Know About This Beautiful Canadian Actress

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Lucie Laurier: Things To Know About This Beautiful Canadian Actress

Lucie Laurier is a popular Canadian actress. She became a popular actress at a very young age. She won a Genie Award nomination when she was just 12 years old. She continued her string of stellar performances as she grew older as well. She won a Jutra Awards nomination in the Best Supporting Actress category for her role in the acclaimed movie Bon Cop, Bad Cop. Aside from her acting skills, she is somewhat infamous for her strong belief in numerous conspiracy theories. Let’s find out more about her.

Lucie Laurier: All You Need To Know

When was Lucie Laurier born?

Lucie Laurier was born on March 19th, 1975 in Quebec.

Is Lucie Laurier an anti-mask activist?

In her newest real life role, Lucie Laurier played the girl very, very angry against the-system-the-government-and-the-media, she played it in front of the CBC cameras, at an anti-mask demonstration

She should immediately receive the prize for “Best tragicomic interpretation”. It’s crazy how she managed to make everyone laugh and cry at the same time.

What did Lucie Laurier say during her anti-mask protest?

In this mind-blowing video which is circulating extensively on YouTube, Lucie Laurier explained to everyone that “health is energy, which is captured from the sun”. Then she says about the director of public health: “Arruda, he’s not a scientist.”

Well, maybe she didn’t see that there was the word “doctor” in front of the name “Arruda”. Or maybe she didn’t know that Dr. Arruda obtained a doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke in 1983, then a specialist’s certificate in community health and preventive medicine in 1988. He was notably clinical assistant professor in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal, tutor at the Intervention Epidemiology Center of Quebec and medical consultant at the Cité-de-la-Santé in Laval.

But hey, it is sure that next to the scientific knowledge of an actress like Lucie Laurier, the man with Portuguese tarts is no match for it.

Then Lucie Laurier attacked the media, which defamed and spread disinformation, just before suggesting that Radio-Canada may have hired “infiltrators” to place them in the demonstration in order to damage the reputation of anti-masks.

What did Lucie Laurier say about people who wear masks?

Already on August 5, Lucie Laurier had shown how far she was ready to go to attack the pro-maskers.

When the comedian Rachid Badouri posted a pro-mask video, the actress responded on Twitter: “What is practical with our Rachid is that he is already bald, we will not need to mow him”.

Of course, we will recognize here an allusion to the fact that the “anti-masks” consider that the “pro-masks” are sheep that follow the herd, stupidly bleating government directives.

Is Lucie Laurier a conspiracy theorist?

As you might have noticed by now, Lucie Laurier is a little bit of a conspiracy theorist, or perhaps a massive one. However, we will leave that up to you to decide. Here’s another example of her belief in conspiracy theories. Her target this time, clouds.

What did Lucie Laurier say about clouds?

Lucie Laurier expressed one of her fears yesterday on Twitter: she believes that the clouds in the sky of Montreal are in reality chemical spraying done without our knowledge by the government.

The actress shared three photos of the clouds in question, saying that they are trying to make us believe it is condensation and that the government “does not want our good .”

Among the many responses from Internet users, several explained to the Quebec star that it is cirrocumulus or other types of clouds. Others admitted to being disappointed to see that Lucie Laurier was convinced that they were “chemtrails”.

What is the conspiracy theory behind chemtrails?

The followers of this conspiracy believe that some of the white streaks created by the passage of airplanes are composed of chemicals deliberately released at high altitudes by various government agencies for reasons hidden from the general public. The supporters of this conspiracy theory argue that these dispersions of chemicals would be intended to fight against global warming, to regulate the population, to modify the weather, to carry out military research on chemical warfare and that ‘they are the cause of disease.

Lucie Laurier then tweeted information about weather modification and artificial rains created by the government.

What happened when Lucie Laurier was spotted without her mask?

Lucie Laurier, who was seen at a demonstration against the wearing of the compulsory mask in Saguenay (among others), shared a photo of her in front of a restaurant on her Facebook account. The big problem, for people who are already angry, is that the actress was holding a mask in the photograph. Her red mask made her fans very angry as she had been so vocal in her protest against mask mandates in Quebec. Many fans said that the actress had let them down. In short, in the comments, several fans said they are disappointed and that Lucie Laurier should practice what she preaches.

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